Patients, it is reported in a new study, are much more likely to remember to take their meds when their Doctors involve them in office visit notes, InformationWeek reports. It’s interesting to learn that any doctor would ever consider not sharing such notes with patients. Doctors may share concern over the new world of on-line medical records. After all, the Obama Administration got very upset with the medical industry when it found doctors possibly using their notes for the basis of increased charges. Doctors are somewhat on edge.
This new study, funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation involved over a hundred doctors, over 13,000 patients and a host of hospitals and clinics. The study surveyed patients about their medication experience after their note sharing experience over a period of a year to a year and a half. Though there were multiple notes in many of the patients on line files and the patients were included in the final study if they opened only one note.
As a result of the study up to 78% of patient study group said that the experience of sharing their doctors notes was a great idea and that it helped them be involved in their own medication treatment. One patient said “… it’s almost like there’s another person telling you to take your meds..” (This is the basis for the success of MedTexter.)
At the end of the study, both doctors and patients that were interviewed seemed to be enthusiastic about the outcome. 4 out of 5 doctors mentioned that they experienced better relationships with their patients as a result of the endeavor. Even some of the doctors who initially resisted the idea changed their opinions based on the experience of the study.
No matter how you come to remember to take your meds on time, do it. MedTexter can help you manage your meds.